20 Genius Ideas for Reusing Empty Plastic Bottles | Save Money and the Environment

1. Upcycle Plastic Bottles to Make Garden Planters

Upcycling is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and create unique and useful items for your garden. Reusing plastic bottles to make garden planters is a simple and creative way to make use of materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill. With just a few tools and supplies, you can upcycle plastic bottles into eye-catching planters that will bring a touch of green to any outdoor space.

What You’ll Need

  • Plastic bottles
  • Scissors
  • Knife or box cutter
  • Drill
  • Potting soil
  • Plants

Once you have all the necessary supplies, the first step is to clean and dry the plastic bottles. Cut off the top of the bottle with scissors or a knife. Then use a drill to make small holes in the bottom of the bottle. This will allow for proper drainage and prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged.

Next, fill the bottle with potting soil and add your plants. For added visual interest, you can paint the bottle in a bright color or cover it with decorative paper. Place the planter in a sunny spot and water as needed.

With a little bit of creativity and a few supplies, you can upcycle plastic bottles into unique and eco-friendly garden planters.

2. Transform Plastic Bottles Into an Amazing Bird Feeder

Repurpose Plastic Bottles
Creating a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle is an easy and eco-friendly way to repurpose plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in a landfill. All you need is a plastic bottle, a pair of scissors, and a few simple tools.

Gather Supplies
Before you begin, gather your supplies. You will need a plastic bottle, scissors, a hammer, nails, and birdseed. If you have a drill, it can come in handy. You may also want to gather some decorative items to customize your feeder, such as twine, string, beads, or ribbon.

Cut the Bottle
Once you have all of your supplies, it’s time to cut the bottle. Start by removing the lid and cutting the bottle in half. The top half of the bottle will be used as the feeder, while the bottom half will be used as the base.

Attach the Feeder to the Base
Next, use the hammer and nails to attach the feeder to the base. Make sure the nails are securely attached and the feeder is stable. If you have a drill, you can use it to make the holes for the nails.

Fill the Feeder with Birdseed
Once the feeder is attached to the base, fill it with birdseed. You can also add some decorative items to the outside of the feeder, such as twine, string, beads, or ribbon.

Hang the Feeder
Finally, hang the feeder from a tree or other sturdy structure. This will give the birds a safe place to eat and will provide you with hours of entertainment as you watch the birds flock to your homemade bird feeder.

3. Create a Home Decor Piece With a Plastic Bottle Chandelier

Creating a unique home decor piece can be both fun and rewarding. One of the most creative and interesting pieces you can make is a chandelier made from plastic bottles. This eco-friendly project is a great way to add a unique touch to your home while also helping to reduce waste.

Gather Your Materials

  • Plastic bottles
  • Spray paint
  • Pliers
  • String or wire
  • Scissors
  • Light fixture

To make a plastic bottle chandelier, you’ll need to first gather your materials. Depending on the size of your chandelier, you’ll need several plastic bottles of different sizes and colors. You’ll also need spray paint, pliers, string or wire, scissors, and a light fixture.

Cut the Bottles

Once you have all of your materials, you can start the project by cutting the bottles. Using a pair of scissors or pliers, cut off the bottoms of the bottles. Make sure to cut the bottles at an angle to create an interesting shape. You can also cut the bottles into different sizes and shapes to add more visual interest to your chandelier.

Paint the Bottles

Next, spray paint the bottles with the color of your choice. This will help to create a cohesive look for your chandelier. Once the paint is dry, you can begin to assemble the chandelier.

Assemble the Chandelier

To assemble the chandelier, begin by attaching the bottles to the light fixture. Use string or wire to tie the bottles to the fixture. Make sure to space the bottles out evenly to create an even, symmetrical look. Once the bottles are attached, you can hang the chandelier from the ceiling.

Creating a unique home decor piece with a plastic bottle chandelier is a great way to add a unique touch to your home. With a few simple materials and a little bit of creativity, you can create a stunning piece of art that will add character and beauty to any space.

4. Make a Fun Toy Out of Plastic Bottles

Making a fun toy out of plastic bottles is an easy and cost-effective way to have a great time with your family or friends. With a few simple supplies, you can create an exciting game or toy that will provide hours of entertainment.

Gather Your Supplies

  • Plastic bottles – Empty plastic bottles of any size or shape can be used to make your toy.
  • Scissors – You’ll need a pair of scissors to cut the plastic bottles.
  • Paint – You can use paint to decorate your toy and make it look unique.
  • Other craft supplies – Other craft supplies such as glue, string, and beads can be used to further customize your toy.

Assemble Your Toy

Once you have gathered your supplies, you can begin assembling your toy. Start by cutting the plastic bottles into different shapes and sizes. You can use the scissors to cut circles, triangles, or any other shape you can imagine. Once you have the shapes you want, you can start to assemble them into your toy.

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Decorate Your Toy

Now that your toy is assembled, you can use the paint and other craft supplies to decorate it. You can use the paint to make the toy look more colorful and unique. You can also use the craft supplies to further customize your toy. For example, you can use glue to attach beads or other decorations to the toy.

Creating a fun toy out of plastic bottles is a great way to have a fun time with your family or friends. With just a few simple supplies, you can make an exciting game or toy that will provide hours of entertainment.

5. Repurpose Plastic Bottles Into a Creative Desk Organizer

Upcycling plastic bottles can be a great way to make creative and useful items from what would otherwise be waste. Desk organizers are a great way to stay organized and keep your workspace tidy. Making your own desk organizer out of plastic bottles can be a fun and easy DIY project that won’t break the bank.

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Gather Supplies

The supplies you will need for this project are relatively simple and can be found around your home. You will need plastic bottles, scissors, a hot glue gun, and any other materials you want to use to decorate your organizer. Empty soda or water bottles work great for this project and can be easily cut to the desired size.

Assemble Your Desk Organizer

Once you have your supplies, you can start putting your desk organizer together. Start by cutting the plastic bottles to the desired sizes for your organizer. You can make different sizes to fit your needs. Once you have the pieces cut, use your hot glue gun to attach them together.

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Decorate Your Desk Organizer

Once you have your organizer assembled, it’s time to decorate. You can use paint, stickers, ribbons, or any other materials you have on hand to make your organizer unique and stylish. You can even use colorful duct tape to add some extra flair.

When your desk organizer is finished, you can use it to keep your workspace tidy and organized. You can use it to store pens, pencils, paper clips, and other small office supplies. This is a great way to repurpose plastic bottles and give them a new life as a useful desk organizer.

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