DIY Guide: How to Make a Reusable Beeswax Wrap

How to Make a Reusable DIY Beeswax Wrap at Home

Making a DIY beeswax wrap at home is a great way to reduce your plastic waste and save money in the long run. Not only is it eco-friendly, but you can customize the wraps to fit whatever needs you have. Here’s how you can make your own reusable beeswax wrap at home:

Gather the Supplies

To make your own beeswax wrap, you will need:

  • 100% cotton fabric
  • Beeswax pellets
  • Parchment paper
  • Iron

These items can be found in most craft stores or online. The fabric should be 100% cotton and unbleached, as other fabrics may not work as well. You’ll also need to make sure the parchment paper is large enough to cover the entire fabric piece you are using.

Melt the Beeswax

Once you have all the supplies, you’ll need to melt the beeswax pellets. You can do this by placing the pellets on a piece of parchment paper and using an iron to melt them. Make sure the iron is on a low setting so that the wax does not burn. Once the pellets are melted, you can spread the wax evenly over the fabric.

Cool and Cut the Fabric

Once you have the wax evenly spread, you can let the fabric cool for a few minutes. Once cooled, you can cut the fabric into whatever size you want. You can also use cookie cutters to create fun shapes.

Enjoy Your Beeswax Wrap

Once you have cut your fabric into the desired shape, your beeswax wrap is ready to use! You can use it to wrap up food, store items, or anything else you can think of. The wrap will be reusable and can be reused for up to a year with proper care.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Reusable DIY Beeswax Wrap

Making a reusable beeswax wrap is a great way to reduce your waste and use sustainable materials in your kitchen. Beeswax wraps are an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic wrap and can be used to store food and keep it fresh. This step-by-step guide will show you how to make your own beeswax wrap with a few simple ingredients.


  • 100% cotton fabric
  • Beeswax pellets
  • Jojoba oil
  • Iron
  • Parchment paper


  1. Cut your fabric into the size you need. Make sure to leave about a 1-inch border all around.
  2. Place the fabric on a piece of parchment paper.
  3. Melt the beeswax pellets in a double boiler and add the jojoba oil.
  4. Brush the wax mixture onto the fabric with a pastry brush.
  5. Cover the fabric with another piece of parchment paper and iron the fabric until the wax is evenly distributed.
  6. Let the fabric cool and remove the parchment paper.
  7. Fold the fabric into the desired shape and use the beeswax wrap to store food.

Making a beeswax wrap is an easy and inexpensive way to reduce your waste and be more eco-friendly. All you need is a few simple ingredients and a few minutes of your time. The wax will help keep food fresh and the wrap can be reused again and again. Once you get the hang of it, you can experiment with different sizes and shapes to fit your needs.

DIY Beeswax Wrap: What You Need to Know

DIY beeswax wrap is an easy, sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap. By making your own beeswax wrap, you can be sure that you are using a natural, biodegradable material that won’t harm the environment. Plus, it is a fun and creative way to reduce your plastic waste.

Materials Needed for DIY Beeswax Wrap

  • Beeswax
  • Cotton fabric
  • Pinking shears
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Iron

To make your own beeswax wrap, you will need beeswax, cotton fabric, pinking shears, a baking sheet, parchment paper and an iron. Beeswax is a natural wax that is produced by honey bees and is a key ingredient in making beeswax wrap. Cotton fabric is best as it is breathable and easy to work with. Pinking shears help to give the edges of your wrap a neat finish. A baking sheet, parchment paper and an iron are all used to melt the beeswax and seal the fabric together.

How to Make DIY Beeswax Wrap

Making your own beeswax wrap is simple and straightforward. First, cut your fabric into the desired shape and size using the pinking shears. Next, spread out your fabric on the parchment paper on the baking sheet. Sprinkle the beeswax evenly across the fabric. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake at the lowest temperature for 10 minutes. Finally, take the baking sheet out of the oven and use the iron to melt the beeswax and press the fabric together. Let the fabric cool and your beeswax wrap is ready to use!

Why Choose a Reusable DIY Beeswax Wrap?

Making the switch to reusable beeswax wraps is an easy way to help reduce plastic waste and save money. These wraps are made from natural materials such as beeswax, tree resin, and jojoba oil, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to single-use plastic wraps. They are easy to make at home and can be used again and again, making them a great way to reduce your impact on the environment.


Using a reusable beeswax wrap is a great way to reduce your plastic waste. Unlike single-use plastic wraps, beeswax wraps can be used again and again, meaning you can avoid the environmental impact of constantly disposing of plastic wrap. Additionally, beeswax wraps are made from natural materials, making them a more sustainable alternative to plastic.


Beeswax wraps are highly durable and can be used again and again. They are flexible and moldable, making them perfect for wrapping up fruits, vegetables, and other food items. The beeswax helps to create an airtight seal, keeping food fresh for longer. In addition, the beeswax coating helps to protect the wraps from water and dirt, making them easy to clean and reuse.

Easy to Make

Making your own beeswax wraps is easy and cost-effective. All you need is beeswax, fabric, and a few other simple ingredients. You can make them in any size or shape, making them perfect for all of your food storage needs. Additionally, you can customize the wraps with different colors and patterns, making them a fun and creative way to store your food.

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Tips and Tricks for Making the Perfect Reusable DIY Beeswax Wrap

Making reusable DIY beeswax wraps is an excellent way to reduce your plastic waste and have some fun crafting. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create the perfect beeswax wrap every time.

Choose the Right Cloth

The type of fabric you use for your beeswax wrap is very important. Choose a tightly woven, natural fabric such as cotton, hemp, or linen. The fabric should also be free of chemicals and dyes. If you choose a synthetic fabric, the wrap won’t be as breathable and won’t last as long.

Melt the Beeswax

When melting the beeswax, you can use either a double boiler or a slow cooker. Make sure you melt the wax slowly, as it can easily burn if the heat is too high. You can also add some pine resin to the wax to help it hold its shape better.

Spread the Wax Evenly

Once the wax is melted, use a brush to spread it evenly over the fabric. Start in the middle of the fabric and work your way outwards. This will help ensure that the fabric is evenly coated with wax.

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Press the Fabric

Once the fabric is coated with wax, press it between two sheets of parchment paper. Use a warm iron to press the fabric and seal the wax. This will help ensure that the wax is properly adhered to the fabric.

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