5 Reasons Why Attic Insulation Should Never Touch the Roof

What Are the Benefits of Keeping Attic Insulation Away from the Roof?

Proper attic insulation is an important part of any home’s energy efficiency. Keeping attic insulation away from the roof is essential to getting the most out of your insulation. Here are the benefits of keeping attic insulation away from the roof:

Reduced Risk of Moisture Damage

When insulation is placed too close to the roof, it can trap moisture, leading to mold, mildew, and other moisture-related damage. Keeping insulation away from the roof helps to prevent moisture buildup and reduce the risk of moisture-related damage.

Improved Airflow

When insulation is too close to the roof, it can block air flow, reducing the effectiveness of the insulation. Keeping insulation away from the roof allows for better airflow, which helps to keep the attic cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Reduced Risk of Pest Infestations

Insulation that is too close to the roof can provide a cozy home for pests, such as rodents and insects. Keeping insulation away from the roof helps to reduce the risk of pest infestations in the attic.

Improved Energy Efficiency

By keeping insulation away from the roof, you can ensure that your attic is properly insulated and can help to improve your home’s overall energy efficiency. This can help to save money on your energy bills in the long run.

Why Should You Keep Attic Insulation Away from the Roof?

Properly insulating your attic is essential for keeping your home comfortable and reducing your energy bills. When it comes to insulation, however, there are a few key things to keep in mind. One of the most important considerations is making sure that the insulation is not touching the roof.

Moisture Damage

When insulation is placed directly against the roof, it can cause moisture damage. This is because the insulation will absorb moisture from the warm air in the attic, which can then condense on the cold roof and cause moisture damage. This can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause serious health issues and damage to your home.

Poor Insulation Performance

When insulation is too close to the roof, it will not be able to perform its function of regulating the temperature in your attic. This can cause the attic to become too hot in the summer, resulting in higher energy bills. It can also cause the attic to become too cold in the winter, which can cause the pipes to freeze and possibly burst.

Decreased Attic Ventilation

Having insulation too close to the roof can also decrease the amount of ventilation in the attic. This can cause the temperature in the attic to become too hot in the summer, resulting in an uncomfortable environment. It can also cause the moisture in the attic to become too high, resulting in the same problems as mentioned above.


To ensure that your attic insulation is effective and to avoid potential moisture damage, it is important to keep the insulation away from the roof. If you are unsure how to properly insulate your attic, it is best to consult with a professional for advice. Doing so will ensure that your attic is properly insulated and that your home is comfortable and energy efficient.

How to Avoid Touching Attic Insulation with the Roof

When working in an attic, it is important to avoid touching the insulation with the roof, as this can cause damage to the insulation and can be a fire hazard. Here are some tips to help you keep the insulation from touching the roof:

Check the Insulation Regularly

Inspect the insulation regularly to make sure it is not sagging or touching the roof. If it is, you may need to add more insulation or reinforce the existing insulation to ensure it does not touch the roof.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential to keeping the insulation from touching the roof. Make sure the attic is well ventilated to prevent the insulation from becoming too hot and melting onto the roof.

Add a Protective Barrier

If the insulation is in danger of touching the roof, you can add a protective barrier to help keep it from doing so. Use a thick plastic sheet or foam board to create a barrier between the insulation and the roof.

Secure the Insulation

If the insulation is sagging or has come into contact with the roof, use staples or clips to secure it. This will help keep the insulation in place and away from the roof.

The Dangers of Letting Attic Insulation Touch the Roof

When homeowners are looking for ways to save money on energy bills, they may turn to attic insulation. While this is a great way to save energy and money, it is important to be aware of the dangers of allowing insulation to touch the roof. This can lead to serious damage to the roof and can create expensive repair bills.

Deterioration of the Roof
When insulation is in contact with the roof, it can cause the roof to deteriorate over time. Insulation can hold in moisture, which can cause the roof to rot and degrade. This can cause structural damage to the roof, which can be expensive to repair.

Mold and Mildew Growth
When insulation is in contact with the roof, it can trap moisture and create an ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow. This can cause a variety of health problems for the people living in the home and can also cause damage to the roof and insulation.

Damage to the Insulation
Insulation that is in contact with the roof can become damaged and ineffective. This can lead to decreased energy efficiency and higher energy bills. Additionally, the insulation may need to be replaced, which can be expensive.

Increased Risk of Fire
Insulation that is in contact with the roof can increase the risk of fire. This is because insulation can trap heat, which can lead to sparks and flames. This can be a major safety hazard and can lead to serious damage to the home.

What to Do When Attic Insulation Has Touched the Roof

Having attic insulation touch the roof of your home can be a serious issue. It is important to take care of the problem as soon as possible to ensure that your attic stays safe and insulated. Here are some steps to take if your attic insulation has touched the roof:

Check for Damage
The first thing to do is to inspect the roof and attic for any damage. Look for signs of moisture, mold, or rot. If you find any of these issues, it is important to address them quickly to avoid further damage.

Remove the Insulation
Once you have identified the damage, you will need to remove the insulation that is touching the roof. This can be done by cutting away the insulation with a sharp knife or other cutting tool. Make sure to wear safety gear such as goggles and gloves when removing the insulation.

Repair the Roof
After the insulation has been removed, you will need to repair any damage to the roof. This may include replacing shingles, sealing cracks, and patching holes. If you are not experienced with roof repair, it is best to contact a professional roofer to ensure the job is done properly.

Re-Insulate the Attic
Finally, you will need to re-insulate the attic. Make sure to use the appropriate insulation for your climate and area. If you are not sure which type of insulation to use, contact a professional for advice. Once the insulation is in place, check to make sure it is not touching the roof.

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