How to Unclog a Bathtub Drain Easily with a Snake: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is a Snake Used for in Unclogging a Bathtub Drain?

A snake is a tool used for unclogging bathtub drains. It is also known as a plumbing snake or an auger. The snake is a long metal wire that is inserted into the bathtub drain and pushed through the clog. As the snake is pushed through, it breaks up the blockage and the clog is cleared.

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How Does a Snake Work?

A snake consists of a long metal wire with a corkscrew-like head. This head is designed to break through any clogs that may be in the drain. The snake is inserted into the bathtub drain and then turned in a clockwise direction. This will cause the head of the snake to drill into the clog and break it up. As the snake is pushed through, it will help to loosen the clog and remove it from the drain.

Benefits of Using a Snake

Using a snake is a great way to unclog a bathtub drain. It is a simple and easy process that can be done by anyone. There are also no chemicals or toxic fumes involved, making it safe for the environment. Additionally, the snake is an inexpensive tool that can be purchased at most hardware stores.

How to Use a Snake

Using a snake to unclog a bathtub drain is a simple process. Start by removing the drain stopper from the bathtub. Then, insert the snake into the drain and begin turning it in a clockwise direction. As you turn the snake, it will help to break up the clog and push it out of the drain. Once the clog has been removed, the snake can be removed and the drain stopper can be put back in place.

When using a snake to unclog a bathtub drain, it is important to be careful. Make sure to wear protective gloves to avoid getting cut by the sharp edges of the snake. It is also important to be careful not to push the snake too far down the drain as this could cause damage to the pipes.

How to Use a Snake to Unclog a Bathtub Drain

Using a snake is one of the most effective ways to unclog a bathtub drain. It is a simple and inexpensive solution that can often be completed in a matter of minutes. Here are the steps to unclog a bathtub drain using a snake:

1. Locate the drain
The first step is to locate the drain. This is usually located near the center of the bathtub. Once you have identified the drain, remove the cover and set it aside.

2. Insert the snake
Next, insert the snake into the drain. Make sure to insert it far enough so that it can reach the clog. Be sure to use caution when inserting the snake to avoid damaging the pipes.

3. Turn the crank
Once the snake is in place, turn the crank clockwise to begin breaking up the clog. You may need to turn the crank several times in order to break up the clog completely. Be sure to use caution and be gentle as you turn the crank. If the clog is stubborn, you may need to use more force.

4. Remove the snake
Once the clog has been broken up, remove the snake from the drain. You may need to use a pair of pliers to remove the snake if it is stuck. Once the snake is removed, run hot water through the drain to flush out any remaining debris.

Tools and Materials Needed to Unclog a Bathtub Drain with a Snake

If you have a bathtub drain that is clogged, a drain snake is a great way to clear it. The following materials and tools are needed for unclogging a bathtub drain with a snake:


  • Drill: You’ll need a drill to make a hole in the overflow plate in order to access the drain.
  • Drain Snake: A drain snake is a flexible metal coil that can be used to dislodge clogs in a drain.
  • Pliers: Pliers are needed to grab the clog and pull it out of the drain.


  • Bucket: A bucket is needed to collect any water or debris that comes out of the drain.
  • Gloves: Gloves should be worn when handling the drain snake and any clogs that are removed.
  • Rags: Rags can be used to clean up any messes or spills.

Before you begin the process of unclogging the bathtub drain, make sure that you have all the tools and materials that you need. Once you have all the items, you can begin the process. Start by drilling a hole in the overflow plate, then use the drain snake to dislodge the clog. Finally, use the pliers to grab the clog and pull it out. Make sure to wear gloves and use a bucket to catch any water or debris that comes out of the drain. Once the clog has been removed, use rags to clean up any messes or spills.

Step-by-Step Instructions on Unclogging a Bathtub Drain with a Snake

Unclogging a bathtub drain with a snake is a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Whether your bathtub drain is slow or completely clogged, using a snake is a safe and effective way to get your drain flowing properly again.

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Step 1: Gather the Necessary Materials

The materials you’ll need to unclog your bathtub drain with a snake include a bucket, a pair of gloves, a snake, and a pair of pliers. You may also want to have a flashlight handy, as the area around the drain can be dark and hard to see.

Step 2: Prepare the Area

The next step is to prepare the area around the bathtub drain. This includes removing any items that may be blocking the drain, such as bath toys or debris. You’ll also want to place the bucket underneath the drain to catch any water that may come out during the unclogging process.

Step 3: Insert the Snake

Once the area is clear, you can begin to insert the snake into the drain. It’s important to ensure that the snake is going straight down the drain, so you may want to use a flashlight to check. Once the snake is inserted, begin to slowly turn the crank in a clockwise direction. This will help to break up any clogs or debris that may be stuck in the drain.

Step 4: Remove the Clog

When you feel resistance from the snake, it is likely that you have reached the clog. Carefully pull the snake out of the drain, and use the pliers to remove any debris that is stuck to the end. Once the clog has been removed, you can use the pliers to remove any other debris that may be stuck in the drain.

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Step 5: Test the Drain

Once the clog has been removed, you can test the drain to ensure that it is flowing properly. To do this, pour a bucket of water down the drain and check to see if it is draining quickly. If the drain is still slow or clogged, you may need to repeat the process with a longer snake.

Common Problems with Unclogging a Bathtub Drain with a Snake

Using a snake to unclog a bathtub drain is an effective way to get rid of stubborn clogs. However, it is important to be aware of the common problems that can arise when using a snake. Here are some of the most common issues:

Bending the Snake

If the snake is bent or damaged while being inserted into the drain, it can be difficult to remove. The bends in the snake can cause it to get stuck and can even make it difficult to reach the clog. To avoid this problem, make sure to use a snake that is long enough to reach the clog without bending.

Getting the Wrong Size Snake

When using a snake to unclog a bathtub drain, it is important to use the right size snake. If the snake is too large, it may not be able to fit into the drain. Conversely, if the snake is too small, it may not be able to effectively remove the clog. Be sure to use a snake that is the right size for the drain.

Inadequate Water Pressure

Another common problem with unclogging a bathtub drain with a snake is inadequate water pressure. If the water pressure is too low, it can make it difficult for the snake to effectively remove the clog. To avoid this issue, make sure to check the water pressure before using a snake.

Snagging on the Pipe

The snake can also snag on the pipe if it is not inserted correctly. This can make it difficult to remove the snake and can even damage the pipe. To avoid this problem, be sure to insert the snake carefully and slowly.

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