DIY Tutorial: How to Make a Face Mask With Fabric Ties

1. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Face Mask With Fabric Ties

Making a face mask with fabric ties is a simple and straightforward process. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make your own face mask with fabric ties. All you need is some fabric, thread, and scissors.

Step 1: Cut Fabric

First, you’ll need to cut two pieces of fabric in the shape of a rectangle. Make sure the fabric is large enough to cover your nose and mouth.

Step 2: Sew the Fabric

Next, you’ll need to sew the two pieces of fabric together. You can use a sewing machine or sew it by hand. Make sure to leave one end open for the ties.

Step 3: Cut the Ties

Third, you’ll need to cut two strips of fabric for the ties. The strips should be approximately 18-20 inches long and about 1-2 inches wide. You can also use elastic if you don’t have fabric ties.

Step 4: Attach the Ties

Finally, you’ll need to attach the ties to the face mask. Simply sew the ends of the ties to the open end of the mask. Make sure the ties are securely attached and that the mask fits snugly.

Once you have completed these steps, your face mask with fabric ties is ready to wear. It’s important to remember to wash your face mask regularly and replace it if it becomes damaged.

2. What Materials Do You Need to Make a Face Mask With Fabric Ties?

Making a face mask with fabric ties is an easy and effective way to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19. All you need is a few basic materials and you can make a comfortable and stylish face mask that fits perfectly. Here is what you need to get started:


The most important material you need for making a face mask with fabric ties is fabric. You will need two pieces of fabric, one for the front of the mask and one for the back. Make sure you choose a lightweight, breathable fabric like cotton or a cotton blend. You can also use a patterned fabric if you want to add some style to your mask.


You will also need thread to sew the mask together. Make sure you use a thread that is the same color as the fabric so it blends in and doesn’t stand out. You will also need a needle that is suitable for the type of fabric you are using.

Elastic or Fabric Ties

You will need something to tie the mask around your head. You can use elastic or fabric ties. If you are using elastic, make sure you get the kind that is soft and stretchy so it is comfortable to wear. If you are using fabric ties, you will need two pieces of fabric, one for each side of the mask. Make sure you use a strong fabric like cotton twill or canvas so it can hold the mask securely in place.

Scissors and Pins

Finally, you will need scissors and pins to cut the fabric and hold the pieces in place while you sew. Make sure you use sharp scissors that are suitable for cutting fabric so you get clean, even edges. Pins are also important for keeping the fabric in place while you sew.

3. How to Cut the Fabric for a Face Mask With Fabric Ties

Making your own face mask can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right materials and instructions, you can create a protective face mask that fits your needs and style. One of the first steps to making a face mask with fabric ties is to cut the fabric correctly.

Choose the Right Fabric

Before you begin cutting the fabric, you will need to select the right fabric for your face mask. Look for fabrics that are 100% cotton or a cotton-poly blend. These fabrics are breathable and soft, making them comfortable to wear for long periods of time. It’s also important to choose a fabric that is thick enough to provide adequate protection.

Gather the Materials

Once you have the right fabric, you will need to gather a few more materials to get started. You will need scissors, fabric ties, a ruler, a pencil, and a marker. It is also helpful to have a cutting board or other flat surface to work on.

Cut the Fabric

Now you can begin cutting the fabric for your face mask. Measure and mark the fabric with a pencil and ruler. Then, use the scissors to cut along the marked lines. Be sure to cut accurately and evenly so that the face mask fits properly. Once the fabric is cut, you can attach the fabric ties to the sides of the face mask.

Check the Fit

When you have finished cutting the fabric and attaching the ties, it’s important to check the fit of the face mask. Put the face mask on and make sure it fits snugly around your face. If it is too loose or too tight, you can adjust the fabric ties as needed.

Once the fit is correct, you can move on to the next step of making your face mask. With the right fabric and some careful cutting, you can create a protective face mask that fits your needs.

4. Sewing Tips and Tricks for Making a Face Mask With Fabric Ties

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Making your own face mask with fabric ties is a great way to ensure you have a comfortable and secure fit. With the right materials and a few sewing tips and tricks, you can make a face mask that is tailored to your needs. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Choose the Right Fabric

When selecting fabric for your face mask, look for a tightly-woven, breathable cotton. This will provide the most protection while still allowing you to breathe easily. It’s also important to choose a fabric that won’t irritate your skin. If you’re making a face mask for someone else, consider their sensitivities when selecting fabric.

Measure and Cut Your Fabric

To ensure your face mask fits properly, you’ll need to measure and cut the fabric to the right size. Start by measuring the circumference of your face from your chin to your forehead. Then, measure the length from the bridge of your nose to the bottom of your chin. Use these measurements to cut your fabric to the appropriate size.

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Attach the Fabric Ties

To secure the mask around your face, you’ll need to attach the fabric ties. Cut two strips of fabric that are long enough to tie around your head and neck. Then, sew the fabric ties onto the sides of the mask. Make sure to leave enough space between the ties so you can easily adjust the mask for a secure fit.

Sew the Mask Together

Once you’ve attached the fabric ties, it’s time to sew the mask together. Start by folding the fabric in half, with the right sides together. Then, sew along the sides of the mask, leaving a small opening at the bottom. Turn the mask right side out and press the edges flat. Finally, sew the opening shut and you’re done!

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5. Benefits of Making a Face Mask With Fabric Ties

Comfortable Fit
Using fabric ties instead of elastic to make your face mask offers many advantages. The most obvious being the comfort factor. Elastic can often be tight and uncomfortable, but fabric ties provide a much more comfortable fit that won’t leave you with marks on your skin. Additionally, fabric ties allow you to customize the fit of your face mask to your face shape, making it more secure and less likely to slip off.

Adjustable for Different Head Sizes
Another benefit of using fabric ties for face masks is the adjustability factor. Fabric ties can be adjusted to fit different head sizes and shapes, making them more versatile than elastic. This is especially helpful if you have a larger head or if you need to make a face mask for someone else.

Unlike elastic, fabric ties can be used over and over again. This is a great way to save money and reduce waste. Additionally, fabric ties can be washed and reused without compromising their strength or shape. This makes them a great option for those looking for an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to make face masks.

Easy to Replace
If the fabric ties on your face mask become worn or frayed, they are much easier to replace than elastic. This means you can keep your face mask in good condition for longer, and you won’t have to buy a new one as often. Additionally, you can easily switch out the fabric ties for different colors or patterns, allowing you to customize the look of your face mask.

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