How to Store Laminate Flooring in a Cold Garage: Tips & Advice

Can You Store Laminate Flooring in a Cold Garage?

It is possible to store laminate flooring in a cold garage, but there are a few important things to consider. To protect your laminate flooring from damage, it’s important to ensure that it is stored properly. Here are some tips for storing laminate flooring in a cold garage:

Keep the Temperature Steady

The temperature of your garage should remain consistent. Avoid storing your laminate flooring in a garage that experiences extreme temperatures, as this can cause the laminate to warp or crack.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause your laminate flooring to fade or discolor over time. Make sure to store your laminate flooring in a shaded area of the garage.

Keep it Dry

Laminate flooring is susceptible to water damage, so it’s important to keep it in a dry area. If your garage has a tendency to get wet or damp, you may want to consider storing your laminate flooring elsewhere.

Use Floor Protectors

To ensure that your laminate flooring remains in good condition, use floor protectors such as felt or foam to protect the surface from scratches or dents. You can also use a tarp or plastic sheet to protect the laminate from dust and dirt.

What Are the Risks of Storing Laminate Flooring in a Cold Garage?

Storing laminate flooring in a cold garage can lead to a variety of problems that can damage the flooring and be costly to repair. Laminate flooring is susceptible to temperature and moisture changes, which can cause warping, splitting, and shrinking. Additionally, cold temperatures can cause the adhesive that holds the flooring together to become brittle, making it more prone to cracking and peeling.

Moisture Damage

One of the biggest risks of storing laminate flooring in a cold garage is moisture damage. Cold temperatures can cause condensation to form on the surface of the laminate, which can cause the boards to swell and warp. Additionally, if the laminate absorbs too much moisture, it can cause the boards to separate, resulting in gaps between them.

Temperature Changes

The adhesives used to hold laminate flooring together are temperature-sensitive, meaning that extreme temperatures can cause them to become brittle and crack. Storing laminate flooring in a cold garage can cause the adhesive to become brittle, resulting in the boards becoming loose and separating. Additionally, when the temperature warms up, the adhesive can become soft and the boards may start to buckle or warp.


Another risk of storing laminate flooring in a cold garage is discoloration. Cold temperatures can cause the color of the laminate to fade or become blotchy, resulting in an uneven and unattractive appearance. Additionally, exposure to moisture can cause the color to become washed out or dull.

Finally, cold temperatures can cause the flooring to become brittle, making it more prone to cracking and breaking when it is installed. This can be especially problematic if the laminate flooring is not installed correctly, as the flooring may not be able to withstand normal foot traffic.

How to Protect Laminate Flooring From Cold Garage Temperatures

Laminate flooring can be a great addition to any garage, but cold temperatures can cause damage to the floor. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to protect your laminate flooring from the cold temperatures in your garage.

1. Add Insulation

Adding insulation to your garage walls is a great way to help regulate the temperature and keep it warmer in the winter months. Insulation will also help keep the cold air from seeping in from the outside and making your laminate flooring cold.

2. Use a Rug

A rug is a great way to add some extra insulation and warmth to your laminate flooring. Choose a rug that is thick and durable and will provide plenty of cushioning and warmth to your laminate flooring.

3. Use Heating Mats

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, you may want to consider installing heating mats underneath your laminate flooring. These mats are designed to keep your laminate flooring warm and toasty during the cold winter months.

4. Use a Dehumidifier

The cold temperatures in your garage can also cause condensation to form on your laminate flooring. To help prevent this, you should use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity levels in your garage. This will help keep your laminate flooring dry and free from moisture.

What Temperature is Too Cold to Store Laminate Flooring?

Laminate flooring is a great choice for homeowners looking for a low-maintenance flooring option that provides a realistic wood look. It is also very durable and can handle high foot traffic. However, in order to keep your laminate flooring looking its best, it is important to store it properly. In particular, the temperature of the room in which it is stored should be carefully monitored.

Recommended Storage Temperature

When storing laminate flooring, it is best to keep it in a room with a temperature between 65-85°F (18-30°C). This range is ideal for keeping the flooring from expanding or contracting due to sudden changes in temperature. If the temperature is too cold, it can cause the laminate to crack or buckle.

When Is the Temperature Too Cold?

When storing laminate flooring, it is important to pay attention to the temperature in the room. If the temperature falls below 65°F (18°C), it is too cold and can cause the flooring to expand or contract. To ensure that your laminate flooring is stored in the best conditions, it is important to monitor the temperature of the room and take measures to keep it within the recommended range.

How to Store Laminate Flooring in Colder Temperatures

If the temperature in the room where the laminate flooring is stored falls below 65°F (18°C), it is important to take measures to ensure that the flooring is not damaged. One option is to use a space heater to keep the temperature in the room within the recommended range. Alternatively, you can also store the laminate flooring in a heated storage container or garage. This will help to keep the temperature of the flooring within the recommended range and protect it from the cold.

How to Choose the Right Laminate Flooring for a Cold Garage

Laminate flooring is a great option for cold garages, as it is durable, easy to clean, and comes in a variety of styles. However, not all laminate flooring is the same, so it’s important to choose the right type for your garage. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect laminate flooring for your cold garage:

Choose a High-Quality Laminate Flooring

When shopping for laminate flooring for a cold garage, it’s important to choose a high-quality product. Look for a flooring with a high-density core board and a wear layer that is designed to withstand heavy traffic and wear and tear. You should also look for a flooring that is waterproof and resistant to scratches, dents, and fading.

Consider the Thickness of the Laminate Flooring

When shopping for laminate flooring for a cold garage, you should also consider the thickness of the flooring. Thicker laminate flooring is more durable and can withstand heavy traffic and wear and tear. It also provides better insulation from the cold temperatures in the garage.

Look for Laminate Flooring with a Low VOC Rating

When choosing laminate flooring for a cold garage, you should also look for flooring with a low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) rating. VOCs are chemicals that can be released from certain flooring materials, and they can be harmful to your health. Look for flooring with a low VOC rating to ensure that your garage is safe and healthy.

Choose a Laminate Flooring with a Non-Slip Surface

Finally, when choosing laminate flooring for a cold garage, you should look for a flooring with a non-slip surface. This will help reduce the risk of slips and falls in your garage. Look for a flooring with a textured surface or a special coating that is designed to provide extra grip.

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